You can get by in life without really knowing all that much about advanced mathematical concepts and the like, but there is a pretty good chance that there are some basic math techniques that might serve you well if you want to offer pressure washing as a paid service. The most crucial type of math that is required here is the area calculation formula. This is because of the fact that you need to be able to calculate the area of a given surface that you have been hired to clean so that you can charge the corresponding amount.
Charging by the hour is usually a mistake because you have no way to know how much you would actually be able to get done during this singular unit of time. Per square foot charges help you to do the best pressure washing you can muster without any kinds of compromises having to be made. The truth of the situation is that you should charge at least forty cents per square foot if you have a lot of experience, and that’s only for the pressure cleaning portion of your task.
If your customer wants you to seal your driveway as well, the fact of the matter is that you need to charge more for the service since it is not included in the initial package you offered. Quoting a sixty cents per foot price will cover both of these services, so a five hundred square foot driveway should give you a decent enough sum. It’s all about being paid fairly since nobody likes to feel like they have been taken advantage of all in all.